Today has been one of the greatest days in my life.
No, it wasn't a great day because I won the lottery or because I got a great job offer, it was pure and simply because I didn't have one moment of anxiety, panic or social phobia. I felt truly free... This is not a feeling that I feel very often. On most days I am fine and I will get just a few minutes of uncertainty or angst, but it then usually subsides, other days, I just get by coping and dealing with my anxiety by utilizing my tried and tested coping strategies, and some days, well... I truly wonder what life is really all about, but those 'freedom' days are certainly wonderful. My husband and I went shopping and got some lovely odds and ends for the house, indulged in a crumpet feast for breakfast and then later on had an equally good feast for dinner, took the dogs to the park, soaked in a bit of the nature and then watched some good movies. Nothing special, but very special to the Anxiety Sufferer whose one goal, amongst many others, is to not be constantly attacked by their own mind, thoughts and emotions. It feels kind of strange at first, as I have grown so accustomed to having my anxiety or what I like to call my 'frenemy' so close to my side. It's almost like a part of you has disappeared for the day. But this proves to me something on a much greater scale. It proves that with each day that passes, I am getting stronger, I am getting better, I am recovering and pretty soon, my 'freedom' days will be much closer together and that inspires me and makes me very happy indeed. It proves that Anxiety has lost a bit of it's grip on me :) |
November 2019